New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School

Year 1


Key Dates:


Monday 19th February - School reopen

Wednesday 14th March - 1NB Class assembly - please join us at 9am

Monday 19th March - Year 1 library visit and local walk

Wednesday 21st March - 1KL Class assembly - please join us at 9am

Wednesday 21st March - Parents Evening until 7.00pm

Thursday 22nd March - Parents Evening until 5.30pm

Thursday 29th March - Break up for Easter



Notice Board

Our PE day has changed back to a Thursday this half term. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit. This should be a tracksuit, trainers and waterproof jacket if we are outside. If you could also ensure they have a water bottle in school.


Reading - Please try to read a little each night. We know this is not always possible, but it helps the children to practice their skills by reading at home. 


Homework and Spellings - These are handed out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday.


With the weather being unpredictable at the moment, if children are coming to school in wellington boots, please send in indoor shoes. 


Thank you 
