New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School

Look at our Autumn Topic

Autumn 1

Let's go on Safari


This half term we are learning about Africa. We will be exploring the continent and focusing on Kenya. We will start by locating Africa on a world map and where it is in relation to the other continents and oceans of the world. We will be creating African masks, watercolour sunsets with silhouettes and designing our own African animal.  




In maths we are starting our year by focusing on partitioning 2 digit numbers and how we can partition them in different ways.

Autumn 2


Monster Munch

In English we have been learning the story of The Gruffalo. We have been using story maps to retell the story using story language and we are getting ready to write our own version. We have been focusing on using question sentences, exclamation sentences and 2A sentences to make our writing more exciting. 
In Guided Reading we have been looking at Not Now Bernard by David McKee. We have been doing lots of different activities around the story including looking for clues in the pictures to work out how the different characters are feeling. 