New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School

Learning in the Spring 2018

Our topic for Spring 1:'Endangered animals'


We began this topic by looking at the Dear Zoo story book and we thought about what animals we would like to receive from the Zoo. 

We then began to look at 'endangered animals'. We found out what endangered meant and began to research about a specific endangered animal. We chose an ORANGUTAN! We did some fantastic learning about Orangutan's and learnt some amazing facts! We also took part in a whole school exhibition where grown up's could come and look at our lovely work! 

Endangered animals: Orangutans!

We were also lucky enough to have a visit to Chester Zoo! We had a fantastic time, please have a look at our pictures from the trip! 

This half term we have also been scientists! We have completed a skittles science experiment. We shared our interesting predictions of what we thought would happen to the skittles when we added water, we then completed the experiment! 

Skittles experiments!
