New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School


We provide government funded nursery places to children when they become three years old.  There are a range of attendance patterns you can choose from.

In addition to these hours we also offer wrap around provision. Please see the booking form at the bottom of this page for more information.


Daily lunchtime care session times: 11:40am until 12:30pm.

Parents/carers can choose from the school lunch menu or provide a packed lunch from home.

Charges are incurred for this additional hour of care and for school lunches.


Please see our nursery admissions policy for further details about eligibility criteria for 30 hour funded places.


Please contact the school office if you would like to place your child's name on the nursery waiting list.  We contact parents/carers in date of birth order from the waiting list when places are available.

If at the time of your child's third birthday there are no places available, we will remain in contact with you and offer you a place as soon as one becomes available. Places are offered throughout the year and children can attend nursery as soon as they become three years old, subject to the availability of a place.


If you have any questions, please do contact us.

Starting Nursery is an exciting time for children, with a chance to meet new friends and a time to have lots of great adventures. We also understand that it is a time of change for children and families and we want to make your child's first few days and weeks in Nursery, as smooth as possible. In order for us to achieve this we offer stay and play sessions and the option of a home visit.  Working together helps to ensure children are well supported and prepared for exciting learning experiences with new friends. 

If you would like to look round our nursery, please contact the school office. Thank you.

Our ethos for learning in nursery

We provide:

  • stimulating learning opportunities through engaging environments and opportunities for all children, inside and outdoors;
  • promote the development of positive relationships between children and children, children and staff, parents and staff;
  • respond to children’s interests and provide real learning experiences which promote physical, social, intellectual and emotional development;
  • promote creative links in learning, starting with children’s existing knowledge, skills and interests, in order to promote good learning behaviours;
  • promote the development of effective learning: independence, self-motivation, perseverance, exploration, thinking.



