New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School


Welcome to Reception




     RDW                                       RJB

    Miss Wilkinson                                                      Miss Bertram

   Reception Teacher                                                       Reception Teacher



Mrs Alderson -  Early Years Specialist Leader of Education and Early Years Leader 

Mrs Ashcroft  - Supporting teacher 1 day a week

Miss Olbison


                                           Learning Support Assistants


                                                         Mrs Thompson

                                     Mrs Macdonald

                                     Mrs Lorryman



Physical Education

P.E takes place every Friday morning.

Children need black or blue shorts/jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. 

Please ensure you write your child's name in all their clothing.


Learning Outdoors

Children have access to outdoor learning environments every day.  Please ensure you provide sensible shoes for running around outside, wellies for exploring puddles and walking on the grass and in the garden and mud kitchen and a coat.  In sunny weather a sun hat and sun cream are essential and in the colder weather gloves and hats with your child's name in are essential.

Please do ask a member of staff if your child misplaces an item of clothing.



Every Monday afternoon (RJB) and Thursday afternoon (RDW)  your child will get the opportunity to visit the school library and choose a book to take home for the week.




Each week we have a Celebration Assembly with Nursery which parents and carers are invited to attend if they wish. We share what we have been learning, sing songs, announce the Star of the Week for each class and give out other rewards. We will inform you if your child will be receiving the Star of the Week certificate by text message the day before the assembly.

Assemblies are held on a Friday afternoon from 2.40- 3.00pm in the hall.


Children’s Learning 


Every child has a Profile, Super book and Maths book to capture their learning journeys.  Your child's profile is always available to view in your child's classroom; please let a member of staff know when you would like to view your child's profile.  Your child's learning can also be looked at during parent/teacher meetings, workshops and upon request.


We promote a love of ‘Reading’ in lots of different ways:

  • Sharing stories;
  • Re-telling and acting out stories;
  • Listening to and learning rhymes;
  • Singing songs.


Click on the document below for more information on Reading skills you can encourage and support at home.

Being a Successful Reader

Websites for parents/carers:


Websites for children:

Children in Early Years Foundation Stage learn through self-exploration, adult led exploration and play in stimulating learning environments both inside and outdoors.  A balance of child led, shared adult and child led, and adult led learning enables children to reach their full potential.  Children's needs, interests and ideas inform areas of provision inside and outdoors.  In order to ensure learning is exciting, engaging and motivating for all the children, areas of provision change frequently in response to new ideas.



We hope you have found this information useful.  Please always ask a member of Early Years staff if you have any questions about your children's learning and well-being.

