Primary School
Spring Term 1 2018
Famous people
For the first three weeks of the term we learnt about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We discussed why they were famous and the work they did in the past. We talked about how the way they treated people and their bravery has influenced the way hospitals are run today. We learnt about hospitals in the past and compared them to hospitals today and debated about which hospital we prefer and why.
The second half of Spring 1 was all about endangered animals. We were lucky enough to participate in a whole school trip to Chester Zoo. Year 2 went on Monday 22nd January, although it was very cold, we all had an amazing time. We saw a wide range of animals including our chosen endangered animal the chimpanzee! They are amazing creatures and it was wonderful getting to see them up close.
The children thought it was hilarious when they witnessed one of the chimps having a bog poo!