New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School

Religious Education


Religious Education here at Waterloo aims to enhance our children’s understanding and articulate their own religious and non-religious worldviews through a broad, balanced and inclusive syllabus. 

RE prepares them to comprehend that not everyone feels the same as them, that others believe differently to them - in particular in what ways and why. This then helps learners to understand, empathise or identify with other people, hopefully resulting in a more peaceful and cohesive society.

Engaging and stimulating lessons offer time and space, allowing children to reflect on their own thoughts and provides opportunities to raise questions. It encourages them to think about their own experiences, how they respond to others and the world around them.

