New Reception Parents 2025: Open Days 18th September 6-7pm & 25th September 9:30-10:30am. See parent tab for further information.

Pudsey Waterloo

Primary School

Look at our Autumn Topic

Autumn 1


Our topic this half term is 'Going on Safari'

In this topic we have looked at the Continents, Oceans and African countries. 


In topic children have used the book Handa's Surpise and created their own stories. We have painted African Safari scenes using watercolours and have experimented with shades of colour and silhouettes.

Children participated in an African Drumming Workshop. All children learnt an African song, danced and learnt how to play the drum to a beat. 

Children learnt about which animals live in Africa. They created their own masks and talked about what they were like. 



Autumn 2


Our topic this half term is 'Monster Munch'

This half term we are looking at materials and their properties. We started off being scientists and we made slime and salt dough monsters. We enjoyed getting messy and using scientific language to describe what we saw and did. 
