Primary School
Extra Club Visions and Values
Our Vision: All children enjoy learning in our happy, safe and caring school. We are inclusive for all pupils and provide a broad and balanced range of activities which engages pupils and inspires them to be lifelong learners.
We aim to develop a strong partnership with parents and carers and encourage their involvement with their child's time at Extra Club.
Although Extra Club runs before and after school we still strive to keep all the same values of school. We help the children to be resilient in the task they take part in, whether that be making there own breakfast or completing an activity. We teach them how to respect each other as well as all of the toys and equipment, tidying up, organising and sharing. The children are expected to be positive towards each other and themselves on what they can achieve whilst at Extra Club. Everyone at Extra Club is able to reflect on what challenges they have come across and how to over come them. By supporting all of these values both staff and children work 100% as a team to make the experience at Extra Club and enjoyable and safe one.